Even if it feels the world, friends, family are out to get you, God knows how to make great things happen.
You intended to harm me, but God intendedit for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.: Genesis 50:20
O how I am beaten,
O how my body aches.
My heart was crushed.
It cannot withstand those who trample on it.
But , when I become weary,
My God becomes great!
What you tried to crush,
My God builds up!
Let me be weary no more,
let my God God be my my strength,
My Redeemer, my Savior.
And what you intended for harm,
My God intended for victory!
My Life, I Choose...
*to memorize the verse above.
*as I brush out my tangles, ask God to forgive me for giving up.
*as I brush my teeth, claim the victory i have in him.
*as I put on eye make up/contacts, open my eyes to see how he wants to use this bad for good.
*as I get dressed, put on the armor of God
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