Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 2 Day 2: Choose Who Are Part 2

Yesterday we began discussing who you are more like, Christ or the world. If we are honest, I bet we could say most of us have more worldly qualities than Christ-like qualities. We know what it means to be Christ-like, but we just struggle with choosing some of it. So, is it possible to be Christ-like?

First of all, please understand you and I are not perfect. We will, just like Paul says in Romans, struggle with doing what is right. We desire to do right but still make bad choices. But just because we make the occasional bad choice does not mean we stop striving to be like Christ.

Second, we have to find where some of our worldly desires fit. For example, choosing to be like Christ does not mean you have to dress like a nun. You can dress in style, but just be appropriate and not let it consume you. It also does not mean you have to stop listening to other music or stop watching TV. It is deciding not to watch shows or listen to music that encourage ungodly behavior like sexual immorality. (I know that cuts out a lot of TV, but there are still other shows.) And here is the big one, you can love the latest book series, but it cannot consume you. If you have read and watched the Twilight series numerous times, but roll your eyes at reading a chapter in the Bible everyday...your priorities need to be refocused.

Third, we have to choose to make God a part of our everyday lives. Only hearing about Him on Sunday and Wednesday is not enough. Becoming like Christ will be difficult if we do not spend time with Him. Think about become like the people you are with the most. You start liking what they like. You start acting like they act. So if we want to be like Christ, we have to choose to be with Him.

These are just steps to start thinking about. You will never be perfect, but you must still choose to be like Christ. You can like things in the world, but you must choose not to make it a priority in your life or choose to be a part of things that are ungodly. If you want to be like Christ, you must choose to hang out with Him everyday.

It is my life, I choose...
*as I brush out my tangles to ask God to forgive me for putting so much before Him.

*as I put in my contacts (eye makeup) for God to show me what of this world I need to take a break from for now and read my verse on the mirror.

*as I brush my teeth for God to make my words be more like His.

*as I get dressed to put on the armor of God.

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