Monday, January 25, 2010

Week 1 Day 1: You Are Making Choices in the Morning

This morning you woke up and made choices. You chose what to wear, what to eat, what to do with your hair. You also made other choices whether you realize it or not. You chose to start your day with or without God. You probably chose to fill your mind with some type of music. All of those choices are going to effect the rest of your day. So do you know what choices you need to make? This week we are going to look at the choices we make first thing in the morning.

The first choice we are going to look at is choosing to start your day with God. I know you know you need to do it. But I want you not just to know but to choose to start your day with God. It is very important to all the other choices you will make today. If you do not start your day with God, you might forget to use Him in the other choices you make.

I am going to make this simple for you. We are going to choose to put God in our morning routine. I want you to choose to be with God because your teenage years are not easy. The choices you face everyday can be a challenge. Temptation is all around you even at school. I do not want you to have to face these challenges alone. I want you to know God on a personal level so you will know how to rely and depend on Him in all your choices.

So starting today, you are going to choose God first thing in the morning.

1. Choose to set a reminder on your phone.
I know you look at your phone first thing. So why not use it to remind you to choose God. Set a daily reminder to go off at the time you get up that says, "Choose God."

2. Choose to put a scripture on your mirror for the week. (this week Eph. 6:14-17)
I know you will probably not get up to read your bible every morning. So we are going to choose to put a verse on our mirror each week so we are starting our day in His word.

3. Choose to fill your mind with things of God.
Some of you play music to get you going. You may listen to music on the way to school. I am asking you to not listen to the latest hits, but to listen to some Christian music. It can be praise and worship or one the latest Christian groups you enjoy. But fill your mind with positive things. It will be much better to have a song about our wonderful God stuck in your head than any other pop song. Please choose to trust me on this one.

4. Choose to make your normal routine include God.
*As you brush out your tangles: Ask God to forgive and cleanse you from your sins. Just like you have to get the tangles out of your hair, you need to start your day forgiven.
* As you put in contacts or put on eyeshadow: ask God to help you see others through His eyes not the world's eyes.
* As you brush your teeth: Ask God to speak words of love and truth through you and not to let your mouth condemn others or gossip.
* As you get dressed: Clothe yourself with the armor of God. You need to be prepared for the battle.

These are small steps, but these are little choices that will help you start your relationship with God. And as long as you continue not to choose God first, all the other choices will be hard. So let's choose to put God, who loves us so much, first in our day.

1 comment:

  1. GaLynn,

    I think this Blog is amazing!! I already have the verse written on my mirror, and my alarm set to "choose God." I think it is a great way to get girls involved and accountable. Thanks for taking the time to make this for us :) I love you

    -Heather Letz
