Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sneak Peak of teen Girl Bible Study

Letting Go
“You say life is waiting for the one's who lose control” Tenth Avenue North

Acknowledge It
‘A’ Honor Roll, Student Council, Honor Society President, Yearbook and Newspaper editor, Dancer, Youth Group Leader, Homecoming Queen, Cheerleader and dedicated my life to the ministry are my list of accomplishments. But, my mom still seems only to see the worst in me. She noticed every little failure. When she was upset, she called me those names that hurt so bad. Who was I? Was I a girl with a bright future or was I those names she called me? At some point, I started holding on to those names. Why not become that person if she already believed it? I held on to each cruel word. Why can I not let go? I do not want to be that person, but I just cannot let go.

Know It

At this point in your life, you are deciding who you are and who you want to be in the future. You make big and little decisions everyday that determine who you are. Parents, peers, teachers, media and friends, all in one way or another, try to influence who you are. What others say, true or untrue, makes you who you are. Life throws things at you that hinder or help you become you.
But in the end, you know who you want to be today and tomorrow. You either grab hold of who you want to become one day or you become who others and the world say you should be. At some point, you grab hold of the world’s view and miss who God says you are and who He created you to be for Him.
Is the life you are holding on to what you really want or who you really are? If you did not determine who to be based on the world but on God, would it change who you are? If you let go of what others say about you and just listen to what God says about you, would you see yourself differently?

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