Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 7 Day 1: Choose to Resist Temptation

Matthew 26:41
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.
The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
Leaving childhood behind and becoming a teenager seems so thrilling and exciting. You look forward to all the privileges like make up, dating, going out with friends and no parents, cell phone, etc. As you start your teen years, you think it is going to be the greatest thrill of your life. So much hope for junior high and high school until...
Reality hits you in the face. The teen years bring broken hearts, betrayed friendships, and temptation at every corner. Some days you think, "how will I ever survive?" Other days it seems easier to give into the temptation than to fight it. You can't avoid any of it, so what are you going to do?
Jesus's words to his disciples in his last hours with them before his death can help us today. Read the verse at the top of the blog. It has a few key points.

1. Watch

Jesus was telling them to be alert and be on the look out for temptation. It is going to be there. Of course, you know the big temptations like drugs, alcohol, sex. But what about those little temptations that sneak in on you. The temptation to wear a shirt that is too low or the temptation to tell the little lie. And what about the temptation to argue with your parents or to send the text that is gossip. Are you watching for those or are you letting them slip by you?

2. Pray

I have said this before and I will say it again. Choose God first thing in the morning. Put on your alarm to shout at you to choose God first thing in the morning. Pray, pray, pray!!! Put on your armor of God. And pray throughout the day. Pray before you speak. Pray before you type that text. Pray before you walk in the house or school. You cannot fight the temptation battle on your own. You need God.

3. The body is weak.

Admit you are weak when it comes to temptation. Do not lie to yourself that you can avoid it and fight it alone. You need friends to hold you accountable and you need a relationship with God that can guide and help you through these years of such temptation.

Just because you will never have the desire to drink, do drugs or even have sex, you still are facing all those little temptations. So will you choose to watch and pray and be prepared to resist temptation?

This is my life I choose:

Write this verse on my mirror

Matthew 26:41
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

* as I brush out the tangles, to ask God to forgive me for falling into the temptation of gossip, anger and lies.
*as I put on my contacts (eye makeup), ask God to help me watch for temptation and to fight the battle for me.
*as I brush my teeth, to ask God to help me pray all day and everyday about every temptation,no matter how small.
*as I put on my clothes, to put on the armor of God

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