Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 6 Day 1: Choosing to Fall in Love

(I am sorry I did not post as much last week but my little one was sick. But I am back and I missed you.)

True love, Mr. Right, Prince Charming, Romeo...

As a young lady, you hope to find him. Every cute boy that passes and smiles, you think if that could be him. You click on his facebook page again and again hoping he realizes you are meant to be together. You doodle his name. You daydream about the two of you together forever. The sound of his name makes you smile. I would even say right now, you are barely paying attention to what you are reading because you are thinking of him. HELLO!!! BACK OVER HERE IN REALITY! Focus please :)

Taylor Swift's song, "Fifteen," is so accurate. You think that guy is going to be the one. You think you have found true love. But she is right as you get older, you realize you were wrong. And you may have boys sweep you off your feet. You may use the word, "love." But you have your whole life ahead of you to discover who you are and why you are here. There are a couple of other things to love first.

This next few statements are not just church answers. They are the truth. They are the truth I am still trying to learn myself. So please really think about it.

Before you can fall in love with a guy and have a wonderful, happy relationship, you have to fall in love with God and who you are in Christ.

Let me clarify, accepting Christ into your life is just the first step. You need to be falling in love with Him. God needs to be in your thoughts. You should be doodling your favorite verse. As you fall in love with Him, you want to be with God. You want to read His Word and talk to Him. Your biggest desire is to be with Him. The thought of God makes you smile.

So you ask why does falling in love with God have to come before you fall in love with a guy? You were designed that way. There is a part of you that needs to be loved unconditionally. A part of you desires that intimacy. And if you do not let God fill that desire, that need, you will spend the rest of your life looking for someone to fill it. But no human can fill it. We are human. We are selfish and we will hurt one another. No boy will love you like God. Even your future spouse will hurt you. The emptiness inside can only be filled with God, no one else.

Fall in love with God. Let God fulfill that need that only He can. And after you fall in love with God, you will be much happier with the man He has for you. And you will save yourself a lot of heartache of all the boys who will hurt you. You will be secure and safe in God's love.

Think about it. Talk to a parent, myself or someone if you have more questions or need more help understanding. I do not want you spending the rest of your life going from guy to guy looking to be loved. I want you to fall in love with God and experience His unconditional love. And do not worry, God will bring your dream guy at just the right time.

This is my life I choose:

Write this verse on my mirror

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. " Mark 12:30

* as I brush out the tangles, to ask God to forgive me for not letting Him truly love me and spending time with Him.
*as I put on my contacts (eye makeup), ask God to help me see how much He loves me.
*as I brush my teeth, to ask God to help me talk to Him throughout the day.
*as I put on my clothes, to put on the armor of God

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